Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Surprise Inside Cake - Hidden Acorns and Oak Leaves

Hope you are enjoying the wonderful fall weather where ever you are! Fall and Spring hold a special place in my heart. Spring maybe more so because the leaves aren't dropping like flies. But the acorns are SO cute. Hard to pick a favorite.
This is the cake that the 2 ingredient chocolate candy acorns were used for.

The colors did NOT turn out like I'd hoped so I thought you might like see them in black and white.

Here's the original. I like the no color version best for now. Agree? Someday I'll have a do over. Just not this fall.

Happy Caking!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Surprise Inside Cake - Hidden Mini Polka Dots in Pumpkin!

Mini polka dots in fun Halloween colors hidden in this twice baked Magic in the Middle cake.

UPDATE: You can learn how to make your own surprise inside mini polka dot cake here.
Happy Fall!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Surprise Inside Cake - Hidden Mickey Mouse

Here's another twice baked cake for you. I usually plan the final photo a bit more but on this particular day it was just, "Stick a fork in him, he's done." Poor Mickey.


UPDATE: A few of you have asked for a tutorial but I'm sorry to say I didn't make a complete one for this cake. I live at high altitude or "at altitude" per the specialty cook books so the recipes I use most likely won't work the best for most of you. Here is a brief summary of what I wrote down at the time but you can use your favorite pound cake and frosting recipes and it should turn out just fine.


and here's a link to someone that took a bit more time to document the process a little later on . . . http://www.momfluential.net/2014/03/04/hidden-mickey-cake/

Happy Caking!
