Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Surprise Inside Cake - Hidden Acorns and Oak Leaves

Hope you are enjoying the wonderful fall weather where ever you are! Fall and Spring hold a special place in my heart. Spring maybe more so because the leaves aren't dropping like flies. But the acorns are SO cute. Hard to pick a favorite.
This is the cake that the 2 ingredient chocolate candy acorns were used for.

The colors did NOT turn out like I'd hoped so I thought you might like see them in black and white.

Here's the original. I like the no color version best for now. Agree? Someday I'll have a do over. Just not this fall.

Happy Caking!


  1. How do you get the design in the middle of the cake

  2. Hi Rosalyn,

    There are several ways to accomplish this but I didn't prepare a tutorial for this one as I am working on a book. There are lots of suprise inside or twice baked cake tutorials and videos online. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  3. Is the method for this in your book?
    If not, I hope you will make a tutorial someday. I've looked through so many surprise inside cakes and I can't figure out how to put this together. Especially the acorns, because of its two colours...

  4. D_A Renoir: I still don't have a book published. The acorns and leaves are cake that was cut with cookie cutters. I cut the acorns out of two different colors and them cut them apart to join the different colors. Hope that helps!
