Sunday, April 7, 2013

Leo's 1st Birthday


Once again I must apologize profusely for the lack of posts. Our relocation has kept me busier than I'd like with fixups and cleanups.

Now that the snow is finally gone, it's become a little easier to get some of tasks tackled and checked off the list. So maybe I'll get back to baking. Someday.

Did I mention that we also changed to high altitude? We'll see how my tried and true recipes hold up. Meanwhile, I've invested in a couple of high altitude cookbooks to ease the transition.

This is the last cake I baked right before we moved. Notice anything missing? Like eyes for the giraffe? What was I thinking??? Thankfully the birthday boy didn't notice.

The cake was a 10" x 10" cube filled with colorful striped layers to match the candy borders. The smash cake is a giant cupcake that my nephew took great delight in consuming with the help of his doggy buddy.

The giggles and ear to ear smiles got me right in the heart. Such a darling little guy.

Happy 1st Birthday Leo!


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    If you're interested, please connect with me. My information will be below.

    Thank You!,
    Neosha Gee

    MY BLOG:
    MY WEBSITE: (design site)

  2. I just LOVE your cakes hidden inside cakes! Thank you for sharing this and your other recipes with us. I am now a follower of your blog and I LOVE it!!!
    Hugs, Paula

  3. Thanks Paula! So happy to have you on board!
