Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Surprise Inside Cake - Hidden Acorns and Oak Leaves

Hope you are enjoying the wonderful fall weather where ever you are! Fall and Spring hold a special place in my heart. Spring maybe more so because the leaves aren't dropping like flies. But the acorns are SO cute. Hard to pick a favorite.
This is the cake that the 2 ingredient chocolate candy acorns were used for.

The colors did NOT turn out like I'd hoped so I thought you might like see them in black and white.

Here's the original. I like the no color version best for now. Agree? Someday I'll have a do over. Just not this fall.

Happy Caking!


Unknown said...

How do you get the design in the middle of the cake

Deborah Stauch said...

Hi Rosalyn,

There are several ways to accomplish this but I didn't prepare a tutorial for this one as I am working on a book. There are lots of suprise inside or twice baked cake tutorials and videos online. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

D_A Renoir said...

Is the method for this in your book?
If not, I hope you will make a tutorial someday. I've looked through so many surprise inside cakes and I can't figure out how to put this together. Especially the acorns, because of its two colours...

Deborah Stauch said...

D_A Renoir: I still don't have a book published. The acorns and leaves are cake that was cut with cookie cutters. I cut the acorns out of two different colors and them cut them apart to join the different colors. Hope that helps!